
A few words About Me

Ever since I was young, I've had one passion: Fight for those who can't fight for themselves. This has driven my purpose all the way into my career.


How did I get started?

After years working in a large cosmetic dermatology practice, I saw first-hand the imbalance—clinicians and business owners were targets for those who saw them as nothing more than profit opportunities. It was clear they needed someone who wouldn't exploit them. So, I started our agency to cut through the noise and offer these professionals a trustworthy place to manage their digital presence with someone who genuinely cared for their success.T

his commitment to authenticity naturally led me to become a speaker and educator in the field. I'm devoted to sharing knowledge freely—no paywalls or gatekeeping. Whether it's at a conference or a casual seminar, I'm there to deliver actionable, high-value content. My goal is to not just educate, but to provide tools that can truly enhance business operations and enrich the lives of those I work with.

I also speak, host purposeful workshops and organize my own events, too!

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Weekly Advice & Inspiration

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